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- Future game releases ( data from 10.02 1998 )
- Release dates for march&april 1998 :
- Desolate; Vulcan Software; arcade game; april 98
- Diversia; Ablaze Entertainment/Vulkan; CD ROM; april 98
- Donk +; The Hidden Software; AGA
- Foundation; Paul Burkey/Sadeness; CD ROM; march -april 98
- Genetic Species; Ambrosia; CD ROM; end of feb 98
- Quake; Clickboom; end of feb 98
- Pulsator; APC&TCP; 030 AGA 6Mb; april 98
- Wasted Dreams; Digital FX/Vulkan; AGA; on hold
- Release dates for 1998 :
- Bubble Heroes, Arcadia
- Betrayed; Aurora Works; Xmas 98
- Blitz Bombers; AGA; Red When Excited
- Blitz Bombers 3D; Red When Excited
- Bloody Blaster; Twilite; AGA
- Caveman Species; Black Flag; 4Mb FAST; spring 98
- Claws of the Devil; Titan Computers; 040/PPC, 8Mb FAST
- Dafel : Bloodline; Sadeness&Skillo
- Explorer 2260; Digital Anarchy Software; AGA - HD - 4Mb
- Fratzen Geballer ( Trapped 3 ); New Generation/Oxyron Software
- Forgotten Foreever; Charm Design/Sadeness; summer 98
- Fortress of fear; Digital Reality SoftworxX; CD ROM
- Fubar; Q-Group
- Gilbert Goodmate; Alive Media Soft; ECS; autumn 98
- Goblin Tanks; Alive Media Soft; 3D fantasy shoot-em-up; autumn 98
- GOLEM; Underground Software; 6x CD Drive; june 98
- Hard Target; Vulcan; spring 98
- Hover Bomber; Aurora Works; AGA
- Haunted; Alive Media Software; multiple CD ROM
- Maim&Mangle; Deimos Design; 98
- Necromatics; 3D puzzling with killer ants
- Olofight; The Real Ologram; AGA
- Phoenix; AGA; HD; 6Mb; APC&TCP
- Scions of the forgotten world; DSP/Vulkan
- Skimmers; APC&TCP; 98
- Testament 2; APC&TCP;AGA
- Total Combustion; Titan Computers; 040/PPC,8Mb FAST
- Total Destruction; Deepcore Ent.; AGA,030,8Mb FAST; summer 98
- Totalitarian; Stephen Strudwick; 98
- Zone 99; Aurora Works; ECS